Helping to preserve the future for you and yours.

Melissa Ekeberg has twenty years experience in the financial services industry throughout North Georgia, including Blairsville, Blue Ridge, and Hiawassee.

Building wealth takes time, patience, consistency, and a plan. We can help.

Everyone needs a plan. While financial planning can seem intimidating or stressful, it doesn’t have to be. Melissa Ekeberg understands the complexities of finances and has helped hundreds of individuals and families pursue financial independence by creating strategies that are designed to build wealth and identify their financial goals. We need to know that our futures are secure and our that loved ones are provided for. We need to know that our future security has been addressed … and we can help!

We build relationships.

We understand that there is no “one size fits all” strategy that meets the needs of every person. We are all distinct and our own needs, goals, and lifestyles are specific to our own lives. We build lasting relationships with our clients, providing consistent and reliable guidance so that your wealth goals  are pursued while you focus on what you love.

Father and Son

Call us today at 706-745-3958 for a complimentary consultation.

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Some of the common reasons people come to us are:
“I don’t have any savings but I know I need to start.”
“I am looking to retire or start planning for retirement.”
“I have a 401k and I don’t know what to do with it.”
“I own a small business and I would like to learn more about retirement plans and insurance.”
“I have no will or I need to update my will.”
“My insurance is confusing and I need someone to review my plans.”
“I have moved to town and I need to find a local financial advisor.”

Our Financial Planning Services

Estate Planning

Estate Planning Strategies


Investment Services

Income Planning

Income Planning


Insurance Services